Take zasadanie z Patronky v roku 1889

Daniel Valuch balu na k-net.fr
Úterý Říjen 29 19:53:41 CET 2024

velmi zaujimave citanie z platku

Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians
Including Original Communications on Telegraphy and Electrical Science · 
Volume 17
Par Society of Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians · 1889


je tam mnozstvo velmi zaujimaveho citania. Publikuje sa clanok a autor 
potom k tomu robi seminar v nejakej pochybnej institucii, nejaki 
inzinieri. Hertz, Heaviside. Transformatory, poistky meraky. 
Centiamperova vaha, deciamperova vaha, hektoamperova vaha. Nieco ako na 
patronke. Tiez maju metrologicku sekciu.

Doporucujem na precitanie clanok/zaznam prispevku od nejakeho 
pristipkara William Thomson na strane 579 v PDF, resp. 540 v casopise.


By Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.SS. ( L. & E.) , Past-President.

The general principles and many of the details of the instruments placed 
on the table for the inspection of the
meeting are already well known, having been described in the electrical 
journals. It has been considered, however, that there are members of 
this Society who might like to see some of the instruments themselves, 
and to have a few explanations, which I may be able to give personally, 
regarding details that have not hitherto been published ; and that is my 
excuse for bringing before the Society a subject of which so large a 
part has already been published and is known to members of the Society.

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