OT historicke paralely (8051)
Pavel Kutina
hw na prelude.cz
Čtvrtek Srpen 18 22:01:35 CEST 2022
Jak to tu čtu - nedávno jsem z nějakých "nadnormativních archivních zásob"
vylovil snad celou štangli 8035 (jestli se nepletu, to je 8048 bez vlastní
ROMky), kdyby měl někdo zájem, mohu přenechat (akorát že to nejspíš bude
"doopravdický" Intel, Teslu bohužel nemám), netuším, jestli má tahle
archválie nějakou cenu.
Pavel Kutina
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Waclawek" <konfera na efton.sk>
To: <hw-list na list.hw.cz>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2022 7:14 PM
Subject: OT historicke paralely (8051)
Pokusal som sa najst spominanu '51 od Tesly, ale nic som nenasiel. Ale
zabludil som na https://www.cpushack.com/chippics/Tesla/ a odtial na
a ten text mi pripomina sucasnost, najma ten pomer $200/$8...
The 8051 was a wild success with Intel struggling to meet demand. Intel
did not have the fab capacity to produce both the 8051, and the very in
demand 8088 (thanks to IBM). In 1984 Intel opened a new fab in
Albuquerque, New Mexico to build other chips, freeing up production space
in the California fab for more 8051s. Even so, an $8 8051 was routinely
scalped for over $200 on the grey market and waiting periods of up to a
year were common in order to receive orders, with many companies on
allocation. Intel licensed the design to both AMD (who built a fab in
Austin to make it) as well as Signetics in an effort to keep up with
demand. The hardest to get part in the industry, was the 8051 from
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