Win10 MPLAB IPE, prazdne okno.

Martin Hanek martin na
Středa Leden 20 19:42:02 CET 2021

Pravidelne se to tady opakuje, podivny software nefungujici na Win10 a 
je to chyba Win10. Doopravdy?
Z tohoto odkazu:
/Be careful which devices you exclude. The IPE will fail as it expects 
certain devices to be present at start up.//
//It will not allow you to re-run the installer and install what you 
need. You will need to uninstall and start again or install it in a 
non-default location and run from there.//
//The installer was designed by idiots.//
//Have fun using it. The UI was designed by more idiots.//
Nevynechal/neodskrtl jste pri instalaci nejake polozky, ktere nyni 
zpusobuji to podivne chovani?
Co zkusit novou instalalaci do jineho adresare?

Martin Hanek

Dne 20.01.2021 v 19:28 Libor Konečný napsal(a):
> zatim jsem zkousel VM win7  MPLAB ipe5.45
> Evidentne je problem v nedodelku W10.
> Na obrazku je vlevo IPE 5.45 pod w10, vpravo virtual s W7 a IPE 5.45
> LK
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