problem s usb-cdc v stm32

Tomas Dresler dresler na
Středa Únor 21 14:42:59 CET 2018

Dobry den,

nesouvisi to s tim, jestli aktivujete D+ rezistor jeste pred 
inicializaci knihovny nebo hodin? To by si host myslel, ze uz jste 
pripraveny k enumeraci a zatim by STM32 jeste startovala...


On 2018-02-21 13:50, Vojtěch Petrucha wrote:
> Zdravim,
> netusite prosim nekdo co by mohlo stat za problemem popsanym
> zde:    (text z odkazu
> nize...)
> Dotaz psal pred casem na forum muj student, ja mu nedokazu poradit
> jelikoz tu nemam ted ten HW..   pouziva Cube..   cast zapojeni
> zde:
> Diky
> V.P.
> --------------------------------------------
> Hello,
> I have encountered a problem with my STM32L452VE - when I set up USB
> with CDC, it sometimes connects, sometimes not. When it doesn't
> connect, Windows clasically show yellow exclamation mark.
> Increasing heap size and chaning packets size didn't solve this issue.
> I have tried sniffing USB communication and problem seems to be the
> same every time - SET_CONFIGURATION is sent from host (PC) but no
> response is received. Upon closer inspection, I tried to modify HAL
> libraries by adding an extra delay, which miraculously solved the
> issue and now it succusefully connects every time.
> As this this fix appears to be highly temporary, does anyone know the
> root of the issue?
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