SIM800 ...GPRS spojeni

Admin HWnews hwnews na
Pátek Prosinec 21 11:51:06 CET 2018

Dik za snahu...nakonec byl problem v tom, ze jsem se spolehnul na navody 
co jsou ruzne po internetu, kde nechapu proc neni nikde korektne 
sestavena hlavicka dotazu... Nakonec jsem se na to vybodnul a sestavil 
ji jak jsem zvyklej a okamzite se data prenesla.

No tak ted uz snad jen sama pozitiva a svetle zitrky.



Dne 21.12.2018 v 10:38 Jaroslav Buchta napsal(a):
> Ja nekde nasel tento postup a pro SIM808 fingoval.
> Nelogicky bylo dulezite AT+CIFSR, jinak to neslo.
> => AT
> <= AT /** This should come back. SIM900 default is to echo back commands 
> you enter **/
> <= OK /** This string should tell you all is well**/
> =>AT+CPIN? /**This is to check if SIM is unlocked. This sample assumes 
> unlocked SIMs**/
> <= +CPIN: READY /** If your response contains this, then it means SIM is 
> unlocked and ready**/
> =>AT+CREG? /**This checks if SIM is registered or not**/
> <=+CREG: 0,1 /**This string in the response indicates SIM is registered**/
> =>AT+CGATT? /**Check if GPRS is attached or not**/
> <=+CGATT: 1 /**A response containing this string indicates GPRS is 
> attached**/
> =>AT+CIPSHUT /**Reset the IP session if any**/
> <=SHUT OK /**This string in the response represents all IP sessions 
> shutdown.**/
> =>AT+CIPSTATUS /**Check if the IP stack is initialized**/
> <=STATE: IP INITIAL /**This string in the response indicates IP stack is 
> initialized**/
> =>AT+CIPMUX=0 /**To keep things simple, I’m setting up a single 
> connection mode**/
> <=OK /**This string indicates single connection mode set successfully at 
> SIM 900**/
> =>AT+CSTT= “APN”, “UNAME”, “PWD” /**Start the task, based on the SIM 
> card you are using, you need to know the APN, username and password for 
> your service provider**/
> <= OK /**This response indicates task started successfully**/
> => AT+CIICR /**Now bring up the wireless. Please note, the response to 
> this might take some time**/
> <=OK /**This text in response string indicates wireless is up**/
> =>AT+CIFSR /**Get the local IP address. Some people say that this step 
> is not required, but if I do not issue this, it was not working for my 
> case. So I made this mandatory, no harm.**/
> <= /**If previous command is successful, you should see 
> an IP address in the response**/
> =>AT+CIPSTART= “TCP” , “”, “80” /**Start the 
> connection, TCP, domain name, port**/
> <= CONNECT OK /**This string in the response indicates TCP connection 
> established**/
> =>AT+CIPSEND /**Request initiation of data sending (the request)**/
> <= > /**The response should be the string “>” to indicate, type your 
> data to send**/
> => xxxxxx /**Just type anything for now**/
> =>#026 /**Now type the sequence #026. This tells the terminal.exe to 
> send the hex code 0x1a (which is Ctrl+Z) to indicate end of data sending**/
> <= xxxxxxxxxx /**You should get some response back from the server…it 
> would generally be a complain that the request string was not valid…but 
> that is a different subject…you have established the connection**/
> /**To close the connection**/
> =>AT+CIPSHUT /**Request shutting down of the current connections**/
> <=SHUT OK /**Indicates shutdown successful**/
> Dne 21.12.2018 v 9:55 Admin HWnews napsal(a):
>> Zdravim,
>> zkousim odesilani dat pres SIM800L (zatim pichnutej jen do PC pres 
>> terminal) a nejak se mi nedari.
>> AT+CSTT="","",""
>> AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",80
>> GET HTTP/1.0
>> =====================================
>> OK
>> >
>> OK
>> Vsechno se tvari jako, ze je v poradku...jedine co me mejli, ze jsem 
>> cekal, ze mi v tom SEND vrati odpoved ze serveru....nevrati se nic (je 
>> to jen malej textak). Prohlizim logy serveru a tam take nic 
>> neni...vubec to tam nedorazi.
>> Nemate nekdo nejakej napad v cem muze byt bota?
>> RV
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