3D tisk - beton
Milan B.
milan na bastl.sk
Středa Prosinec 21 22:39:14 CET 2016
Starina... cinania*) tak tlacia domy uz od 2014: "On March 29, 2014,
during global press release conference in Shanghai Tongji University,
*Yingchuang* was published as the world first high-tech enterprise that
could truly print 3D houses"
*) u wonga
On 21.12.2016 22:23, Pavel Kadečka wrote:
> Přátelé, viděli jste 3D tiskárnu na beton? (Možná viděli, protože to
> video je skoro 2 roky staré.)
> https://youtu.be/DQ5Elbvvr1M?t=120
> P.K.
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