Fwd: STM CUBE - zkusenosti

Jaroslav Buchta jaroslav.buchta na hascomp.cz
Sobota Říjen 3 01:04:07 CEST 2015

Nakonec jsem to takovou metodou rovnak na ohejbak udelal, ale nelibi se 
mi to :-( Hlavne ze ukradnu UARTu callback funkci... Neni to moc ucesane 
po ruznych pokusech.

volatile static char dbgBuf[TXBUFFERSIZE];
volatile static int dbgBufR = 0;
volatile static int dbgBufW = 0;
volatile static int dbgTxCnt = 0;

static void TxRecovery();
static void   (* XferHalfCpltCallback)( struct __DMA_HandleTypeDef * hdma);

static void DbgTxCpltCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
     uint32_t origPri = ulPortRaiseBASEPRI();
     HAL_UART_DMAStop(hDbgUart);     // uvede UART driver do stavu ready 
pro TX
     dbgBufR += dbgTxCnt;
     if (dbgBufR >= TXBUFFERSIZE) dbgBufR = 0;
     dbgTxCnt = 0;

static void TxRecovery()
     if (dbgTxCnt != 0) return;
     if (dbgBufR == dbgBufW) return;
     int nCnt = dbgBufW - dbgBufR;
     if (nCnt < 0) nCnt = TXBUFFERSIZE - dbgBufR;
     if (nCnt > 64) nCnt = 64;
     HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(hDbgUart, (uint8_t *)dbgBuf+dbgBufR, nCnt);
     hDbgUart->hdmatx->XferCpltCallback = DbgTxCpltCallback;            
     dbgTxCnt = nCnt;

void DBGUSART_dbgSendChar(char c)
     dbgBuf[dbgBufW] = c;
     int w = dbgBufW+1;
     if (w >= sizeof(dbgBuf)) w = 0;
     if (w != dbgBufR) dbgBufW = w;

Tato zpráva byla zkontrolována na viry programem Avast Antivirus.

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