Fwd: Learn How to Use the ESP8266 Chip!
Milan Horák
stranger na tiscali.cz
Středa Březen 4 13:12:05 CET 2015
Dobrý den dámo a pánové,
když už tady běží debata o ESP8266, tak tohle mi teď přistálo ve schránce.
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Předmět: Learn How to Use the ESP8266 Chip!
Datum: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 12:00:20 +0000
Od: Open Home Automation <contact na openhomeautomation.net>
Přeposláno - Komu: Open Home Automation <contact na openhomeautomation.net>
Komu: <stranger na tiscali.cz>
Learn How to Use the ESP8266 Chip!
Hello folks ! I am Marco Schwartz from Open Home Automation, and I got
some news for you today!
I know that many of you asked for articles about the ESP8266 chip, and I
can say that this is now done! And for those of you who don't know what
I am talking about, the ESP8266 is a very cheap ($5) WiFi chip that can
be used for home automation projects. And the best part is that it comes
in a very small form factor, and it also has a small processor onboard
so it can function autonomously.
I waited a long time before posting a tutorial about this chip, and
there is a reason for that. Indeed, on Open Home Automation I want to
propose only the best articles & projects, that can be done by all of my
readers. I really work hard to remove all the complexity that I can from
the projects I work on, and this is also what I wanted for all the
articles using the ESP8266 chip.
During the past months, many of you asked me why I didn't have an
article about this chip yet. I actually got samples of this chip as soon
as it became available, but for me it was way too complex to use back then.
This is why I decided to wait until the chip is more easy to use, both
on the hardware side (with new breadboard-friendly modules) and on the
software side (with the NodeMCU firmware you will discover in the article).
This first article that I published yesterday is really about the basics
of this chip, and I will use this article as the fondation of many more
articles to come about this amazing piece of hardware. The link to the
Getting Started with the ESP8266 Chip
I hope you will enjoy it, and I would be happy to discuss with you about
the ESP8266 & future projects I will make for Open Home Automation using
this chip :)
That's all for today folks! Thanks again for your support, you are now
more than 50.000 each month visiting my website and it's just
incredible! Till next time!
Marco Schwartz
Open Home Automation
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