OT: americani si zas patentovali kolo

Petr Simek psimek na jcu.cz
Úterý Leden 6 22:44:39 CET 2015

On Tue, 6 Jan 2015, Jaroslav Lukesh wrote:

> Title: The Electronic Pen
> Entrants: Dmitry Ivanovsky & Yuri Tormishev, Minsk, Belarus
> Description: The electronic pen is a cordless and battery-operated computer 
> pointing device. It provides a convenient human-computer communication. The 
> electronic pen acts like a mouse, doing everything a mouse can do. It can 
> also be used for non-keyboard input of handwriting information into a 
> computer during the writing. The pen work result is an original paper 
> document and its digital copy in a computer memory.

OK - tohle vypada na klasicke "smrdlaci" pero po podlozce ala mys.

Ono ani to snimani 3D akcelerace neni originalni - herni ovladace
tenhle princip snimani uz nejaky cas pouzivani. Originalni zrejme
je vyuzit jej v peru.

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                             psimek na jcu.cz                              |

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