STM32L151RB problem s EEPROM a IRQ
Jan Waclawek
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Úterý Únor 18 13:29:27 CET 2014
>Pøed èasem jsem zde popisoval podobný problém na F051. Vlastnì dodnes
>nevím, zda je pøeru¹ení èi celý procesor pøi zápisu do flash blokován.
Trvalo to asi pol minuty najst:
An ongoing Flash memory operation will not block the CPU as long as the CPU
does not
access the Flash memory.
On the contrary, during a program/erase operation to the Flash memory, any
attempt to read
the Flash memory will stall the bus. The read operation will proceed
correctly once the
program/erase operation has completed. This means that code or data fetches
cannot be
made while a program/erase operation is ongoing.
Dalej, podla datasheetu pre '030', programovaci cas pre 16 bitov (co je
jedina moznost) je typ. 53.5us, max. bohuzial neuvedeny; na druhej strane
maze sa po 1kB strankach ale to trva typ. 30ms.
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