Kurvítka nonplusultra
Pavel Troller
patrol na sinus.cz
Pátek Únor 14 10:04:11 CET 2014
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 09:20:22AM +0100, Václav Ovsík wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 06:39:20AM +0100, Pavel Troller wrote:
> > > Zdravim,
> > > vypada to dobre.
> > > Ma celkem najeto, ale vsechna data jsou vysoko nad prahem. Jednou v historii
> > > mu ale bylo hezky teploucko, 60 stupnu C, pokud interpretuji data spravne...
> > > Ta raw hodnota pri zvysovani teploty linearne klesa, cili kdyz pri 44 je 106,
> > > odpovida to odecitani od 150 a tedy v nejhorsim pripade 150 - 90 = 60.
> >
> > To se mi nejak nezda, ten prepocet. Napriklad v jednom serveru mam
> Tak jsem jeste chvili koukal do manu od smartctl a pisou tam:
> Each vendor uses their own algorithm to convert this "Raw" value
> to a "Normalized" value in the range from 1 to 254. Please keep in
> mind that smartctl only reports the different Attribute types,
> values, and thresholds as read from the device. It does not carry
> out the conversion between "Raw" and "Normalized" values: this is done
> by the disk´s firmware.
> The conversion from Raw value to a quantity with physical units is not
> specified by the SMART standard. In most cases, the values printed by
> smartctl are sensible. For example the temperature Attribute
> generally has its raw value equal to the temperature in Celsius.
> However in some cases vendors use unusual conventions. For example
> the Hitachi disk on my laptop reports its power-on hours in minutes,
> not hours. Some IBM disks track three temperatures rather than one, in
> their raw values. And so on.
> Tedy asi nejde predjimat jak to disk spocetl, pokud to fakt pro konretni
> disk nevite...
Ano, presne takto jsem se chystal odpovedet, ale predesel jste mne.
Shodou okolnosti mam pomerne hodne zkusenosti s ruznymi typy disky a zpusob
prevodu raw teploty na skutecnou odectenim od nejake horni meze, kterou lze
snadno zjistit, jak jsem puvodne uvedl, byva zejmena u starsich disku
relativne bezne. Zajimave je, ze jako prahova hodnota je uvedena 0, coz by
znamenalo indikaci selhani az pri 150C. To muze znamenat, ze vyrobce si
u tohoto disku nepreje, aby byla chyba prekroceni teploty reportovana.
Treba u meho disku jsou ty teplotni hodnoty 2:
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel -O---K 056 041 045 Past 44 (0 105 47 41 0)
194 Temperature_Celsius -O---K 044 059 000 - 44 (0 14 0 0 0)
A pak ta analyza vypada takto:
Current Temperature: 44 Celsius
Power Cycle Min/Max Temperature: 41/47 Celsius
Lifetime Min/Max Temperature: 14/59 Celsius
Under/Over Temperature Limit Count: 0/99153
SCT Temperature History Version: 2
Temperature Sampling Period: 1 minute
Temperature Logging Interval: 1 minute
Min/Max recommended Temperature: 0/ 0 Celsius
Min/Max Temperature Limit: 0/ 0 Celsius
Temperature History Size (Index): 128 (89)
Cili se zda, ze hodnota "Temperature Celsius" to meri od posledniho spusteni,
zatimco ta "Airflow" je naakumulovana behem cele doby zivota disku.
Jak ale z tech hodnot urci minimum/maximum, v tomto pripade uz neni zcela
Zdravi Pavel
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