Kurvítka nonplusultra
Václav Ovsík
vaclav.ovsik na gmail.com
Pátek Únor 14 09:39:28 CET 2014
On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 09:20:22AM +0100, Václav Ovsík wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 06:39:20AM +0100, Pavel Troller wrote:
> > Zdravim,
> > vypada to dobre.
> > Ma celkem najeto, ale vsechna data jsou vysoko nad prahem. Jednou v historii
> > mu ale bylo hezky teploucko, 60 stupnu C, pokud interpretuji data spravne...
> > Ta raw hodnota pri zvysovani teploty linearne klesa, cili kdyz pri 44 je 106,
> > odpovida to odecitani od 150 a tedy v nejhorsim pripade 150 - 90 = 60.
> To se mi nejak nezda, ten prepocet. Napriklad v jednom serveru mam
Tak jsem jeste chvili koukal do manu od smartctl a pisou tam:
Each vendor uses their own algorithm to convert this "Raw" value
to a "Normalized" value in the range from 1 to 254. Please keep in
mind that smartctl only reports the different Attribute types,
values, and thresholds as read from the device. It does not carry
out the conversion between "Raw" and "Normalized" values: this is done
by the disk´s firmware.
The conversion from Raw value to a quantity with physical units is not
specified by the SMART standard. In most cases, the values printed by
smartctl are sensible. For example the temperature Attribute
generally has its raw value equal to the temperature in Celsius.
However in some cases vendors use unusual conventions. For example
the Hitachi disk on my laptop reports its power-on hours in minutes,
not hours. Some IBM disks track three temperatures rather than one, in
their raw values. And so on.
Tedy asi nejde predjimat jak to disk spocetl, pokud to fakt pro konretni
disk nevite...
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