Novy Eagle 7 (was Re: Software pro navrh DPS)

Jaromir Sukuba jarin.hw na
Pondělí Srpen 11 14:12:48 CEST 2014

Na druhu stranu, beriem to, ze to po "feedbacku" uzivatelov zmenili.
Zvycajna taktika firiem je presvedcit uzivatelov, ze tu novu nechcenu
vlastnost tak vlastne chcu, len o tom nevedia - alebo na ich hlas
uplne kaslat a vyvijat si dalej svoj software bez ohladu na to, co si
uzivatelia kecaju.

2014-08-11 14:04 GMT+02:00 David Obdrzalek <David.Obdrzalek na>:
> Tak asi dostali uz uzivatelu peknou sodu, protoze:
> ... During the two weeks since the launch of EAGLE v7, we have been listening
> carefully to your constructive feedback and concerns about the new License
> Management technology and have decided to remove the license management features
> from EAGLE v7.
> ...
> As of the 11th of August, 2014, all new EAGLE licenses will be delivered without a
> License Management Tool.  All current EAGLE v7.0 licenses will when upgraded to v7.1
> move back to the previous license model.
> The V7 License management system and user rights will be identical to those in EAGLE
> V6.
> Cele na
> :-)))
> D.O.

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