Novy Eagle 7 (was Re: Software pro navrh DPS)
David Obdrzalek
David.Obdrzalek na
Pondělí Srpen 11 14:04:53 CEST 2014
Tak asi dostali uz uzivatelu peknou sodu, protoze:
... During the two weeks since the launch of EAGLE v7, we have been listening
carefully to your constructive feedback and concerns about the new License
Management technology and have decided to remove the license management features
from EAGLE v7.
As of the 11th of August, 2014, all new EAGLE licenses will be delivered without a
License Management Tool. All current EAGLE v7.0 licenses will when upgraded to v7.1
move back to the previous license model.
The V7 License management system and user rights will be identical to those in EAGLE
Cele na
On 20 Jul 2014 at 23:29, Martin Dorazil wrote:
> ...a pro ty, kteri si Eagle koupili:
> With EAGLE version 7, a new license management feature is established.
> This means that during the purchasing process, the HostID of the device
> where the license will be installed has to be indicated. The license
> will then be issued, so that it is only executable on the machine with
> the indicated HostID.
> Jde to nainstalovat jen na 2 strojich a napr po vyznamne zmene HW lze
> ocekavat potize s licenci. Jo, zase jsou po zasluze potrestani ti, kteri
> za sw zaplatili...
> M.
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