MikroE kompilery Re: Ztrata USB HW klice
vicek.radek na cpost.cz
Čtvrtek Březen 14 12:20:42 CET 2013
No ta se prave ted ozvali - takze reakce do 24h - chteji za ten dongle
400Kc - skoda, ze jsem si nevzpomel kdyz jsem kupoval ten programator -
s tim postovnym je to za 1000Kc coz se mi teda moc nechce:
You are able to upgrade your license to USB Dongle version.
Price is 19.9USD + shipping fee of 25USD.
You can also decide to get dongle with some of your next orders.
That way you will save 25USD for shipping.
If you want to get your dongle upgrade now, please send us your full
contact information,
and information about your order with the license and we will make you a
proforma invoice.
After your final confirmation we will send you payment request.
When payment is received your order will be shipped.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact us.
Radek Vicek
Dne 13.3.2013 16:43, Petr Zahradnik napsal(a):
>> Joo no to me zase neprislo - uz nekolikrat jsem s nima neco resil a
>> byli celkem rychli a vstricni - uvidime, ted jsem jim psal dotaz co
>> mam udelat aby mi vymenili SW klic za ten USB dongle
> Tak dej vědět, jak budou reagovat. To jsem zvědavý.
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