Ridici jednotka Modicon TSX Nano ztraci obsah RAM - snad vyreseno
Jiri Sladek
sladek na czhops.cz
Úterý Srpen 27 18:44:23 CEST 2013
Tak jsem nasel manual, ktery nam snad pomuze.
Tam jsem konecne nasel popis checkboxu Master:
The Master option lets you set the application in the EEPROM as the
master, which
means that each time you power up, the PLC compares the application which is
present in RAM with that in EEPROM and, if a difference is detected, the
stored in EEPROM is copied to the PLC RAM, and the PLC is set to RUN.
Dekuji vsem za rady.
Jiri Sladek
P.S. Toto zarizeni (TSX 07 31 2412) nema od vyrobce slot pro druhou
(vymenitelnou) baterii,
muselo by se bastlit, zapasit s tuhymi zapadkami atd.
Dne 27.8.2013 17:52, Jiri Sladek napsal(a):
> K tem jednotkam pouzivame staricky DOS-ovy program PL7-07.
> V podmenu Transfer jsou moznosti:
> PC -> PLC
> Spoustime vzdy obe dve, takze bych ocekaval, ze v EEPROM bude zaloha,
> ktera se automaticky pouzije. Ale nedeje se to.
> Pri tom kopirovani PLC -> EEPROM se zobrazi okno, kteremu moc
> nerozumime, ani po studiu napovedy:
> You can set the protection and the master
> options for the EEPROM. If the EEPROM is
> protected, the RAM will also be protected.
> Press OK to copy the program in the RAM to
> EEPROM and set the options.
> [ ] Protected
> [ ] Master
> Tu moznost Protected jsme se nezapinali, abychom neznemoznili dalsi
> editaci programu, viz
> http://web.spscv.cz/~madaj/manpl707.pdf
> J.S.
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