ISE WEB PACK - rychlost, licence

Draček Fráček dracek.fracek na
Sobota Duben 13 12:25:54 CEST 2013

Takze ,doba kompilace 10minut 40s s tim, ze mi na pozadi bezela TV a par
dalsich drobnosti.
Podle sledovani vytizeni systemovych zdroju je hlavni napor na procesor,
pricemz vetsinu casu aplikace bezi jako jednovlakno s tim ze vyrazne
vytezuje jen jedno jadro.

Zaver, v licenci to neni, jedine co ma vliv je fakticke taktovani
procesoru, pocet jader nehraje roli. Disk nebo RAM, jsou take podruzne, mam
6GB a vice nez 50% bylo volne.


2013/4/13 Jaroslav Buchta <jaroslav.buchta na>

>  Jo aha, to jsem zapomel, ze jsem musel doplnit ty nabizene options do
> ucf souboru...
> Cili zacatek pak vypada takto:
> # clock pin for Nexys 2 Board
>  NET "clk" LOC= "B8"; # Bank = 0 , Pin name = IP_L13P_0/GCLK8 , Type =
> GCLK , Sch name = GCLK0
> # NET "clk1" LOC= "U9"; # Bank = 2 , Pin name = IO_L13P_2/D4/GCLK14 , Type
> = DUAL/GCLK , Sch name = GCLK1
>  .............
>  NET "UsbClk" LOC= "T15"; # Bank = 2 , Pin name = IO/VREF_2 , Type = VREF
> , Sch name = U-IFCLK
> ................
> Dne 13.4.2013 11:30, Draček Fráček napsal(a):
>  Tak me to na ISE 14.5 po te co migruji ze stareho ISE projektu a zpustim
> preklad za 1,5min zahlasi pri place route chybu
> Place:1018 - A clock IOB / clock component pair have been found that are
> not placed at an optimal clock IOB / clock site pair. The clock component
> <UsbClk_BUFGP/BUFG> is placed at site <BUFGMUX_X2Y0>. The IO component
> <UsbClk> is placed at site <T15>.  This will not allow the use of the fast
> path between the IO and the Clock buffer. If this sub optimal condition is
> acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE
> constraint in the .ucf file to demote this message to a WARNING and allow
> your design to continue. However, the use of this override is highly
> discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing results. It is recommended
> that this error condition be corrected in the design. A list of all the
> COMP.PINs used in this clock placement rule is listed below. These examples
> can be used directly in the .ucf file to override this clock rule.
>  a
> Place:1012 - A clock IOB / DCM component pair have been found that are not
> placed at an optimal clock IOB / DCM site pair.  The clock component
> <instClkDllDiv16/CLKDLL_inst/DCM_SP> is placed at site <DCM_X2Y3>.  The
> clock IO/DCM site can be paired if they are placed/locked in the same
> quadrant.  The IO component <clk> is placed at site <IPAD39>.  This will
> not allow the use of the fast path between the IO and the Clock buffer. If
> this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you may use the
> CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .ucf file to demote this message to
> a WARNING and allow your design to continue. However, the use of this
> override is highly discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing results.
> It is recommended that this error condition be corrected in the ...
> NOTE: This message is very long (~1 K) and has been shortened to a maximum
> of 1000 characters for viewing in this context.
>            Please refer to the corresponding ASCII report for the full
> message.
> Dne 13. dubna 2013 8:40 Jaroslav Buchta <jaroslav.buchta na>napsal(a):
>>  Tak jestli to nekdo muzete zkusit, abych si udelal predstavu - je to
>> tento projekt
>>  odsud
>> (Nexys2 Board
>> verification Project - (for 1200K boards))
>> Neda se nejak snizi optimalizace a zvysit rychlost, pokud neni FPGA
>> prilis vyuzito?
>> Dne 13.4.2013 10:04, Draček Fráček napsal(a):
>>   ISE 14,5, na  i7 920, Win 7 64bit
>>  File, Open Example, XAPP 217: Gold Code Generator
>>  kompletni preklad cca 35s ted odszkouseno
>> Na mem vykopavkovem notebooku nejake Intel jedno jadro, 2GB RAM, Win7
>> 32bit, to bude trvat dele, ale odhaduji tak kolem 1 minuty. Vecer mohu
>> vyzkouset.
>> Pripadne nekam hodte vas kod (projekt) a ja to zkusim prelozit na obojim.
>>  Martin
>> Dne 13. dubna 2013 7:54 Jaroslav Buchta <jaroslav.buchta na>napsal(a):
>>> - je normalni, ze je to ukrutne pomale? Na i5-2450 a 4GB pameti je
>>> synteza otazkou mnoha minut, spis pres 10 po kazde i minimalni zmene
>>> designu (vzorova aplikace pro nexys 2 ale trivialni dekoder taky trval
>>> minuty)
>>>  Je to dan za free verzi nebo to takhle funguje normalne? Pokud bych na
>>> to kupoval nove pocitadlo, co je dulezite? Procesor s hodne jadry, rychly
>>> disk (pripadne SSD) a hodne pameti? Grafika predpokladam ne...
>>> - free licence na jednu registraci se da poridit jen na jeden pocitac? Z
>>> upozorneni kdyz jsem to menil se mi zdalo, ze je pocet preneseni dokonce
>>> nejak omezen na 3... Jak to je?
>>> - na Win8 aktualni verze 14.5 nefunguje...
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