[OT] Nakup na eBay a Tracking Number

Petr Labaj labaj na volny.cz
Čtvrtek Listopad 15 21:16:07 CET 2012

No tak to je bezva.
Docela by me zajimalo, co tim sleduji. Kdyby lustrovali prichozi postu, tak by
to mozna davalo smysl. Ale u odesilane posty mi to teda hlava nebere.
Zatim se ukazal "pokrok", uz nejede ani ten jejich trackovaci server, cely den
to pise Internal Server Error.

Diky za informace.


From: "Branislav Schnierer" <smeckcems na gmail.com>
To: "HW-news" <hw-list na list.hw.cz>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Nakup na eBay a Tracking Number

| Zdravim,
| mne nedorazil balicek z DX odoslany 19.9. a ked som reklamoval ze 
| nedorazil, tak mi dievcinka zo supportu napisala toto:
| As advised by the logistics provider, China and Hong Kong Customs’ have 
| temporarily increased inspection on mails/cargo due to China’s upcoming 
| National Congress, mail delivery services (including Speedpost) are 
| subject to delay or seized.
| We have noticed that your package tracking status on the postal service 
| hasn’t updated after the initial scan, and we have already feedback the 
| issue to relevant personnel to track, but there still no latest update 
| for it, please wait with patience and get back to us one week later.
| Este sme si vymenili par mailov a vysledok je taky, ze pokial to nepride 
| do 17.11. tak bud vratia peniaze alebo poslu znova. Tak cakam, zatial 
| nic neprislo..
| Brano

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