Zmena hledani na ebay
Jaroslav Lukesh
lukesh na
Pátek Listopad 2 13:36:59 CET 2012
No to sou ale radosti, asi jim to moc vytěžovalo databázi:
Starting on November 5, we will no longer support wildcard searches. We
encourage you to revise your saved searches to whole words without the *.
Here's how to revise your saved search terms
Replace any * in a wildcard search term with whole words.
EXAMPLE: Replace "Floral silk scar*" with "Floral silk scarf"
You can also include various spellings in a single search term by adding it
in parentheses, with each additional term separated by a comma.
EXAMPLE: Replace "Floral silk scar*" with "Floral silk (scarf, scarfs,
EXAMPLE: Replace "Porcelain minifigur* -lot*" with " Porcelain (minifigure,
minifigurines) -(lot, lots)"
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