pouzitelny desifrovac ZIP souboru
Michal Lukac
michal.lukac na fstroj.uniza.sk
Středa Březen 28 10:33:51 CEST 2012
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michal Grunt
>Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:07 AM
>To: HW-news
>Subject: RE: pouzitelny desifrovac ZIP souboru
>Asi před deseti lety jsem také potreboval heslo do ZIP archivu a nasel jsem
>program, který na to nesel hrubou silou, ale stacilo mit na disku jeden
>soubor, který byl stejny jako v >archivu (většinou se něco najde pokud
>nejde zrovna jenom o dokumenty) a on to nejak porovnal a rovnou vypadlo
>heslo. Akorat nevim jak se to jmenovalo :-) Akorat je otázka, zda >je to
>pouzitelny na dnesni ZIP (ZIP64, UTF-8, ruzne druhy sifrovani...). Tak
>třeba patrat timto smerem.
asi treba hladat "known plaintext"
napr: zip key to vie... ale je to dost stare..
New Zip Key decrypts most of WinZip archives in less than an hour with our
new SureZip™ Recovery
All versions of WinZip and PKZip are supported
Brute-Force, Xieve™, SureZip™, Known Plaintext or Dictionary attacks are
used to recover the password
Additional user dictionaries support, case changes, multiple mistypes and
other modifications for each dictionary word
SureZip™ Recovery decrypts Zip archives created with WinZip version 8.0 and
earlier in less than an hour regardless of password used to protect it. At
least 5 encrypted files are required in order to process the archive.
Archives created with WinZip are supported.
Zip compression software uses relatively strong encryption algorithm that
makes instant password calculation (without knowing at least one file from
the archive) impossible. Brute-force attack is the slowest approach and can
test all the passwords of up to 8 characters. Xieve™ attack is much faster
and is capable of recovering passwords of up to 10 characters. Dictionary
attack is the fastest method - there's no limitation on password length.
Known Plaintext attack instantly decrypts an archive if there is at least
one file from the archive available unencrypted, regardless of the password
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