Raspberry Pi
vicek.radek na cpost.cz
Čtvrtek Březen 8 12:40:55 CET 2012
No to nic nemeni na tom, ze by nekdo mohl vedet, jake jsou realne
terminy a vyhledy.
ad klidek - to je to same jako s tema diskama co budou do vanoc
levnejsi. Pokud je nutne nepotrebujete tak jde o prd.
Pokud potrebujete neco vyresit v nejakem casovem horizontu - tak se
musite rozhodnout, ze bud pockam nebo holt zkusim pouzit neco jineho -
treba i mene vhodneho.
Radek Vicek
Dne 8.3.2012 12:35, Jirka napsal(a):
> Myslím, že se okolo toho strhla slušná hysterie, něco jako "run na
> banku", takže bych neočekával jiné prohlášení, než to, co píše Farnell:
> "Following the successful launch of Raspberry Pi Board B we've seen
> unprecedented levels of interest in this product. Stocks from Raspberry
> Pi of the initial production quantity are limited and these have already
> sold out. For those of you who have already pre-ordered, we will let you
> know in the next few days when you can expect your delivery. We're
> working very closely with Raspberry Pi to ensure we meet the demand as
> soon as possible. We will be one of the first to have Raspberry Pi's in
> stock and delivered to you, so if you haven't been able to pre-order,
> register your interest below so we can let you know as soon as you can
> order again and keep you updated with the latest on availability."
> Prostě klídek, ono to jednou bude a jednou dokonce i jako výprodej...
> ---
> Jirka
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