Pripojeni GPS modulu k AIS radaru

RV vicek.radek na
Pondělí Říjen 4 15:19:18 CEST 2010


mozna trochu neobvykly dotaz, ale nema nekdo zkusenost s AIS radarem a 
pripojenim GPS modulu?

Konkretne s timto zarizenim:

Privezl jsem to i s lodi ale chybi prijimac GPS a v manualu pisou jen:

Connect the NMEA output (or NMEA +) of the GPS to the BLUE
wire of the UTILITY cable. If the GPS has a NMEA - or NMEA
REF connect this wire to the vessel supply negative. The AIS radar
requires an NMEA 0183 signal with RMC sentence. The signal
level must swing above and below 2 volts.

Myslite ze je pouzitelny treba tento modul:

Radek Vicek

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