OT Taveni glukozy
Jan Waclawek
Čtvrtek Srpen 6 16:39:53 CEST 2009
Posielal som to v tom druhom vlakne, trocha treba citat.
http://www.nakka-rocketry.net/dex.html zhruba v druhej patine je kapitola "Effects of Heating Dextrose". O nieco nizsie sa pise "Alternatively, the dextrose monohydrate can be dessicated to form anhydrous dextrose. The dessicating process drives out most of the water, allowing the unaltered fraction of 35% dextrose to be used. Dessicating is done by spreading the dextrose monohydrate onto a cooking sheet, to a maximum depth of 1 cm, then placing this into a preheated oven set at 80oC (175 oF.) for 2 hours. Once cooled, the resulting caked lumps may be broken up using an electric coffee grinder. "
Mne to pripada ako pomerne kompletny popis.
----- Original Message ---------------
>No jo, ale glukózu maj v potravinách poblí¾, ale sorbitol ne. Navíc u¾ jí
>mám asi 1,5 kg koupeno, tak bych ji rád zu¾itkoval... v nejhor¹ím si z ní
>odleju bonbóny a ty zchroupu:-)
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