Info for Admin
Pavel Novotný
Úterý Březen 25 09:02:52 CET 2008
Nevim jak jinak informovamt Mr. Vicka , tak zneuziji konference.
Pri pokusu poslat mail na ci na se mail
po cca 4 hodinach vraci, jako nedoručitelný, s tim, ze:
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed.)
----- Transcript of session follows ----- <>...
Deferred: 403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed.
Message could not be delivered for 5 days Message will be deleted from queue
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed.)
----- Transcript of session follows ----- <>... Deferred:
403 4.7.0 TLS handshake failed.
Message could not be delivered for 5 days Message will be deleted from queue
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