avr - je nejaky dovod prepisovat EEPROM ked nejde o zmenu?

Lukáš Grepl L.Grepl@sh.cvut.cz
Pátek Červen 20 23:00:45 CEST 2008

> Nevim jak u AVR, ale v nejake appnote (mozna i v DS) k PICum jsem 
> zahledl noticku, ze je vhodne cas od casu refreshovat obsah EEPROM. 

Tady je na toto tema nejaka diskuze: 

a tento nazor vypada docela rozumne:

"The refresh is needed because when writing to one
eeprom cell part of the charge on neighboring cells
that is needed to retain its contents is lost.

If a cell is almost never written to but the cell next
to it is often at a certain point it will lose it's
contents... unless you refresh it's data once in a
while (read the contents and write them back)"

Lukas Grepl

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