Alternate grid v Eagle
Pondělí Červen 11 23:39:00 CEST 2007
v 4.11 ktoru mam ja nic take nie je, preto som sa pytal. Eagle pouzivam
uz len na velmi male veci ktore potrebujem spravit rychlo takze nikaj
neupgradujem. Prerabat vzdy kniznice a dizajny len koli tomu ze sa
zmenila verzia o 0.1 je celkom otravna vec.
Ale na domace pouzitie je v pohode :-)
Miroslav Sinko wrote:
> Pressing the Alt key switches to the alternate Grid. This can typically
> be a finer grid than the normal one, which allows you to quickly do
> some fine positioning in a dense area, for instance, where the normal
> grid might be too coarse. The alternate grid remains active as long as
> the Alt key is held pressed down.
> To je z helpu v Eagli 4.16r2 Light. Heslo GRID, uplne naspodku.
> miro
> --- Daniel VALUCH <> wrote:
>> novidis a tuto jednu malicku vetu stacilo napisat do helpu :-)
>> dakujem
>>> Message du 11/06/07 18:10
>>> De : "Petr Zahradnik" <>
>>> A : "HW-news" <>
>>> Copie à :
>>> Objet : Re: Alternate grid v Eagle
>>> Alternate jako ze zmacknes Alt.
>>> Petr Zahradnik, pocitacovy expert
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