pracka, dynamicke rizeni motoru
Marek Peca
Středa Červenec 19 11:08:23 CEST 2006
No vida, tak uz je to zpracovano -- estimace, vektorove rizeni,
pracka. Akorat me trochu zaujal ten _asynchronni_ motor.
This paper describes control algorithms such as vector control
functions and estimation algorithms for asynchronous induction
motors. The DSP processing speed and mathematics capability allows
the addition of extra functions which can provide significant
performance improvements over traditional microcontroller based drive
systems. An application example describes the integration of the ac
motor control function with the speed profile generator and control
sequencer for a domestic washing machine.
Skoda :)
On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Tomáš Dresler wrote:
> Nevim o takovych prackach, resp. pro muj segment jsou moc high-end, ale pro
> tyto ucely existuje vektorove rizeni synchronniho motoru. Teziste, resp.
> odpor proti otoceni v aktualnim case si zmeris na dvou fazich ze tri
> protekajicim proudem a pak uz nasleduje hromada vypoctu na DSP, ve vysledku
> dostanes celkem rychle PWM pro rizeni tri fazi :)
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