minielektrarna (drive baterka) boza1
Středa Březen 17 14:24:22 CET 2004

Jeste ten odkaz:

> No tak ja myslim, ze je sance se shodnout na tom, ze se
> te vode nejaka ta energie odebrat da, ze se pohybuje v
> radu desitek W a tudiz se dostavame zase na zacatek a
> to sehnani nejakeho vhodneho generatoru. Zatim
> nejlepsi poznatky jsem nasel zde, ale nerozumim presne
> tomu, co tam pouzili jako generator. 

> (He used the pulley which was already on the fan, and
> belted it to a surplus computer tape drive motor (the
> kind they used to use in large computer tape drives,
> check our Products page for
> availability). The gear ratio is 1:3-- the generator
> turning 3 times faster than the water wheel. They make
> excellent low rpm generators. This system charges 2
> amps into a 12 volt battery, 24 hours per day! )

> Poznavate nekdo ten motor? Z ceho ho kuchnout?

> Ondrej Tesar

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