Generovani HTML stranek z databaze
Pavel Kriz
Středa Březen 17 11:53:03 CET 2004
> Nejsem tak dobry anglictinar, kdyz tak me opravte.
> Licence to non-Microsoft MySQL:
> ...
> 2.Restrictions. This license is subject to the following restrictions:
> 1. Distribution of the Program or any work based on the Program by a
No nevim co mysli tim "any work" - to by nam musel vysvetlit pravnik, ale
myslim, ze by se zminovane pouziti dalo povazovat za nezakone bez
zaplaceni poplatku. Ale priznavam, ze krk za to nedam ;-) Je jasne, ze za
tohle asi nikoho k soudu stejne nepozenou (nikdo prece nevi, v cem je to
vygenerovany ;-).
> commercial organization to any third
> party is prohibited if any payment is made in connection with such
> distribution, whether directly (as in payment
> for a copy of the Program) or indirectly (as in payment for some service
> related to the Program, or payment for
> some product or service that includes a copy of the Program "without
> charge"; these are only examples, and
> not an exhaustive enumeration of prohibited activities).
> ...
> Ing. Tomas Drajsajtl; Digitus s.r.o.;
PS: Kopii meho predchoziho mailu jsem do konfery znovu neposilal, nevim
jak se tam objevila.
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