[OT] par otazek na GitHub
Jan Waclawek
konfera na efton.sk
Sobota Červen 24 11:23:23 CEST 2023
Tu je toho trocha viac:
With GitHub Free, your personal account includes:
GitHub Community Support
Dependabot alerts
Deployment protection rules for public repositories
Two-factor authentication enforcement
500 MB GitHub Packages storage
120 GitHub Codespaces core hours per month
15 GB GitHub Codespaces storage per month
GitHub Actions features:
2,000 minutes per month
Deployment protection rules for public repositories
Nerozumiem co to znamena a ani ma to nezaujima.
----- Original Message ---------------
https://github.com/pricing hovori pre Free ze 500MB of Packages storage, to
nie je ono?
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