RPi + SPI TFT (ILI9488 driver)

Jaroslav Luke¹ lsh na wo.cz
Pondìlí Øíjen 17 19:24:26 CEST 2022

je¹tì výsledky pro samotné ILI9488

  ESP32_TFT_library    Full featured TFT library for ESP32 with demo 
  stm32_graphics_display_drivers    STM32 LCD drivers (currently: 
spi(dma), gpio, fsmc(dma), st7735, st7783, ili9325, ili9328, ili9341, 
ili9486, ili9488, hx8347g)
  ILI9488    Arduino Library for the ILI9488 TFT controller for 4 wire SPI
  esp-idf-parallel-tft    8bit parallel TFT & 4-line resistance touch 
screen Driver for esp-idf using i2s paralell mode
  esp8266_fast_lcd_driver_hspi    Fast LCD driver written from scratch 
for ESP8266 for driving ILI9341 (240x320) or ILI9486 / ILI9488 (320x480) 
compatible LCD contr
  Raspberry-ili9325    Parallel TFT Shield Library for wiringPi
  ESP32_SPI_MASTER_NODMA_EXAMPLE    Non DMA version of the spi_master 
driver with ILI9431&ILI9488 example
  Pico-Matrix-Touch-Keyboard    A touchscreen matrix using an 3.5" 
ILI9488 TFT with resistive touch and a Raspberry Pi Pico
  Bluetooth-System-Monitor    A handy little system information monitor 
using and ESP32 + ILI9488 TFT. Receives data over Serial Bluetooth.
  Pico-MCU-from-Raspberry-Pi    2022: RPi Pico and ST7789 and ILI9488 
Macro LCD Touch Keys, a VS1053 music player, a USB-Audio-DAC, OLED 
SSD1306, and RP2040 Zero,
  ILI9488_t3    WIP of new ILI9488 library
  ILI9488_STM32    Port of 3.5 Inch RPI Display with ILI9488 controller 
on STM32CubeIDE
  fbtft_ili9488    added support for ili9488 to fbtft
  STM32H750-LCDs    STM32H750 TFT LCD Development kit
  esp32-micropython-lvgl-ili9488    lvgl micropython esp32 ili9488
  ILI9488    Sming Library for ILI9488 based Display Driver
  SI4735-DSP-Receiver-ESP32---4-LCD    Modified sketch for TFT LCD 4" 
controller ILI9488
  tinydrm    raspbian tinydrm
  esp32_ili9488_lvgl    A port of lvgl library for esp32 Systems having 
ili9488 based tft displays.
  fbtft-4.14    add ili9488 18bit color (RGB666) Linux raspberrypi 
  fbtft    adds dupport for ili9488 and 18-bit color data to fbtft driver
  esp32_ili9488    Fork of esp32_ili9341 to wrk with ili9488 controller
  ili9488-stm32f103    an example of using an ili9488 touchscreen with 
stm32f103 "Blue Pill" in arm-gcc using ugfx
  ESP32-S3_TFT_Combiner    A PCB making it easy to combine an ESP32-S3 
and an ILI9488 TFT + XPT2046 Touchsceen.
  STM32H750-Camera    STM32H750 Camera Test
  ILI9488    Driver for ILI9488 based TFT screens
  ili9488    ili9488 MIPI Driver (test on DragonBoard 410c)
  ILI9488-XPT2046    Simple to use display driver for 3.5" SPI TFT 
480x320 with resistive touch. Featuring two chips, ILI9488 (display 
controler) and X
  ILI9488-STM32    An ILI9488 LCD controller driver for STM32 
microcontrollers, using the HAL library.
  ILI9488_kbv    ILI9488 SPI library
  ili9488-tinyDRM    c file to add to tinyDRM for ili9488
  MicroPython-_ILI9488    MicroPython Library for the ILI9488 TFT 
controller for 4-6 wire SPI
  esp32_ILI9488Ctl    esp32_ILI9488Ctl
  stm32_f407_ili9488_lvgl_demo    A demo for Zephyr RTOS to shows how to 
using LVGL with a 3.5" TFT LCD.
  chenqiIli9488_480x320LCD    raspberrypi 树莓派 Ili9488 driver LCD java
  ILI9488Driver_480x320_4bilibili    ILI9488Driver_480x320_4bilibili
  esp32-solar    A visualisation of the solar system implemented for 
MakerFab's ESP32-TOUCH-CAMERA. An ILI9488 LCD & FT6236 touch panel 
powered by
  ILI9488-lvgl-ESP32-WROVER-B    ILI9488 lvgl ESP32 WROVER B
  ili9488    Simplest display C library for 3.5" SPI TFT 480x320 based 
on ILI9488 driver.
  ili9488    ILI9488 graphical LCD driver for Rust
  Chris_ILI9488    test repo for ili9488
  sfb_ili9488    Utils for use standard frame buffer driver with ili9488
  ILI9488_david_changes    I coment changes what I do
  esp32-ili9488    Biblioteca para interface entre o ESP32 e o display LCD
  ILI9488_T4    Port of https://github.com/vindar/ILI9341_T4
  fbtft_ili9488    a patch for fbtft to support ili9488
  ili9488-esp32    ILI9488 C-only driver for ESP32
  TFT_ILI9488    STM32 HAL library for 480x320 TFT ILI9488 display
  CircuitPython_ILI9488    Adafruit CircuitPython ILI9488 displayio driver
  ILI9488_t3    Adaptation of the ILI9341_t3 for the ILI 9844 graphics 
  arduino-touchscreen-ILI9488    Sample Codes and Working Library
  ILI9488_touchGFX    TouchGFX STM32 project for tft 480x320 display
  ILI9488_parallel_port    STM32f407vet使用ILI9488 并口LCD和lvgl图形库的demo
  TFT_espi_littlegl    Uses littlegl with ILI9488 but its SLOW
  ili9488-rpi    way's to run ili tft on rpi
  UGFX_SAMD21_ILI9488    Skeleton for SAM D21 driving ILI9488 LCD 
through UGFX
  STM32-ILI9488-GPIO    Using ILI9488 in parallel bus with STM32
  NES_EMU_ESP32    NES emulator with ESP32 and ILI9488

a výsledky z readme.md

  stm32_graphics_display_drivers    STM32 LCD drivers (currently: 
spi(dma), gpio, fsmc(dma), st7735, st7783, ili9325, ili9328, ili9341, 
ili9486, ili9488, hx8347g)
  ILI9488    Arduino Library for the ILI9488 TFT controller for 4 wire SPI
  esp8266_fast_lcd_driver_hspi    Fast LCD driver written from scratch 
for ESP8266 for driving ILI9341 (240x320) or ILI9486 / ILI9488 (320x480) 
compatible LCD contr
  ESP32_SPI_MASTER_NODMA_EXAMPLE    Non DMA version of the spi_master 
driver with ILI9431&ILI9488 example
  Pico-Matrix-Touch-Keyboard    A touchscreen matrix using an 3.5" 
ILI9488 TFT with resistive touch and a Raspberry Pi Pico
  Bluetooth-System-Monitor    A handy little system information monitor 
using and ESP32 + ILI9488 TFT. Receives data over Serial Bluetooth.
  Pico-MCU-from-Raspberry-Pi    2022: RPi Pico and ST7789 and ILI9488 
Macro LCD Touch Keys, a VS1053 music player, a USB-Audio-DAC, OLED 
SSD1306, and RP2040 Zero,
  ILI9488_t3    WIP of new ILI9488 library
  fbtft_ili9488    added support for ili9488 to fbtft
  ILI9488_STM32    Port of 3.5 Inch RPI Display with ILI9488 controller 
on STM32CubeIDE
  esp32-micropython-lvgl-ili9488    lvgl micropython esp32 ili9488
  ILI9488    Sming Library for ILI9488 based Display Driver
  SI4735-DSP-Receiver-ESP32---4-LCD    Modified sketch for TFT LCD 4" 
controller ILI9488
  esp32_ili9488_lvgl    A port of lvgl library for esp32 Systems having 
ili9488 based tft displays.
  fbtft-4.14    add ili9488 18bit color (RGB666) Linux raspberrypi 
  fbtft    adds dupport for ili9488 and 18-bit color data to fbtft driver
  esp32_ili9488    Fork of esp32_ili9341 to wrk with ili9488 controller
  ili9488-stm32f103    an example of using an ili9488 touchscreen with 
stm32f103 "Blue Pill" in arm-gcc using ugfx
  ESP32-S3_TFT_Combiner    A PCB making it easy to combine an ESP32-S3 
and an ILI9488 TFT + XPT2046 Touchsceen.
  ILI9488    Driver for ILI9488 based TFT screens
  ili9488    ili9488 MIPI Driver (test on DragonBoard 410c)
  ILI9488-STM32    An ILI9488 LCD controller driver for STM32 
microcontrollers, using the HAL library.
  ILI9488-XPT2046    Simple to use display driver for 3.5" SPI TFT 
480x320 with resistive touch. Featuring two chips, ILI9488 (display 
controler) and X
  ILI9488_kbv    ILI9488 SPI library
  ili9488-tinyDRM    c file to add to tinyDRM for ili9488
  chenqiIli9488_480x320LCD    raspberrypi 树莓派 Ili9488 driver LCD java
  MicroPython-_ILI9488    MicroPython Library for the ILI9488 TFT 
controller for 4-6 wire SPI
  esp32-solar    A visualisation of the solar system implemented for 
MakerFab's ESP32-TOUCH-CAMERA. An ILI9488 LCD & FT6236 touch panel 
powered by
  ILI9488-lvgl-ESP32-WROVER-B    ILI9488 lvgl ESP32 WROVER B
  Chris_ILI9488    test repo for ili9488
  CircuitPython_ILI9488    Adafruit CircuitPython ILI9488 displayio driver
  TFT_espi_littlegl    Uses littlegl with ILI9488 but its SLOW
  fbtft_ili9488    a patch for fbtft to support ili9488
  ili9488-esp32    ILI9488 C-only driver for ESP32
  STM32-ILI9488-GPIO    Using ILI9488 in parallel bus with STM32
  ili9488    ILI9488 graphical LCD driver for Rust
  NES_EMU_ESP32    NES emulator with ESP32 and ILI9488
  UGFX_SAMD21_ILI9488    Skeleton for SAM D21 driving ILI9488 LCD 
through UGFX
  TFTSPI    STM32F407-Disc1 Interfaced to SPI TFTs - ILI9341, ST7735, 
  TFT_ILI9488    STM32 HAL library for 480x320 TFT ILI9488 display
  esp32_examples    ili9488_lcd, uart2, buzzer, 24aa01h_eeprom, mcp7940n_rtc
  sfb_ili9488    Utils for use standard frame buffer driver with ili9488
  fff    ILI9488/FatFS/FONTX2 libraries and sample for STM32F407VETx and HAL
  esp32s2-lvgl    Test lvgl on esp32s2 with tft-lcd 480x320 using 
ILI9488 and XPT2046
  MLX90640-Thermo-Camera    Thermo camera based on ILI9488 display, 
nucleo-L476RG and MLX90640 thermo camera
  ili9488    Simplest display C library for 3.5" SPI TFT 480x320 based 
on ILI9488 driver.
  ILI9488_parallel_port    STM32f407vet使用ILI9488 并口LCD和lvgl图形库的demo
  wdim0t    Fast LCD driver written from scratch for ESP8266 for driving 
ILI9341 (240x320) or ILI9486 / ILI9488 (320x480) compati…
  wdim0t    Fast LCD driver written from scratch for ESP8266 for driving 
ILI9341 (240x320) or ILI9486 / ILI9488 (320x480) compati…
  makerfabs-esp32s3-dev    Example code for this thing: 
  Raspberry-Pi-TFT-Switch    This program configures ili9488 TFT display 
to work without changing kernel or flashing a custom version of Raspbian
  SI4735_DSP_All_Band_RadioVers4.0b_SI5351 SI4735_DSP_All_Band_Radio 
Vers.4.0b_ (4.0 version from Binns_modified for ILI9488 TFT LCD_4inch
  ILI9XXX-XPT2046-STM32    A set of function handling SPI, TFT LED 
480x320 or 320x240 touch display controlled by an ILI9488 or ILI9341+XPT2046
  Using-ILI9488_master-with-NodeMCU    I have tried to use ILI9488 with 
UNO and NodeMCU but have been having problems. I hope mjs513 or someone 
can help.
  remoteili9488    remoteili9488 is an remote client to wrap Atmel ASF 
ili9488 functions and draw locally on PC using Pygame, using Serial COM.
  8-Bit-banger-Shield    A simple plug in shied designed for making it 
easy to hook up either a ESP32 Tinys3 or a FeatherS3 to an UNO style  
3.5" ILI9488/I
  ArduinoESP32TFTscreeN    TFT_eSPI Library This is a TFT graphics 
library for Arduino processors with performance optimization for STM32, 
ESP8266 & ESP32. T

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