OT historicke paralely (8051)
Petr Labaj
labaj na volny.cz
Sobota Srpen 20 04:06:15 CEST 2022
Nádhera. Ještě i v krásném keramickém pouzdře.
Škoda, že ten vzhled trochu pokazili provizorním značením.
Tesla ale snad nikdy moc pěkné značení neuměla.
I když proti šíleně hnusným pouzdrům ze Sovětského svazu to pořad byla
mnohem vyšší liga.
Dne 20.8.2022 v 3:11 Jaromir Sukuba napsal(a):
> Aj ja som sa pokusal najst Teslacku '51 a nasiel som - u seba doma. Na
> internete nie je vsetko.
> https://imgur.com/a/sBiWlSR
> resp
> https://i.imgur.com/HgFxOQG.jpg
> Diodovym testom som jednej prebehol vyvody voci GND a je vcelku
> uveritelne, ze vnutri je nejaka '51. Neskusal som v zapojeni.
> J.
> št 18. 8. 2022 o 19:14 Jan Waclawek <konfera na efton.sk> napísal(a):
>> Pokusal som sa najst spominanu '51 od Tesly, ale nic som nenasiel. Ale
>> zabludil som na https://www.cpushack.com/chippics/Tesla/ a odtial na
>> https://www.cpushack.com/2013/03/10/cpu-of-the-day-intel-rupi-44-the-8051s-lesser-known-cousin/
>> a ten text mi pripomina sucasnost, najma ten pomer $200/$8...
>> The 8051 was a wild success with Intel struggling to meet demand. Intel
>> did not have the fab capacity to produce both the 8051, and the very in
>> demand 8088 (thanks to IBM). In 1984 Intel opened a new fab in
>> Albuquerque, New Mexico to build other chips, freeing up production space
>> in the California fab for more 8051s. Even so, an $8 8051 was routinely
>> scalped for over $200 on the grey market and waiting periods of up to a
>> year were common in order to receive orders, with many companies on
>> allocation. Intel licensed the design to both AMD (who built a fab in
>> Austin to make it) as well as Signetics in an effort to keep up with
>> demand. The hardest to get part in the industry, was the 8051 from
>> 1983-1984.
>> wek
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