OT: ventilky s měřením tlaku

Miroslav Šinko sinkomiro na gmail.com
Úterý Říjen 26 22:13:57 CEST 2021

Nasiel som taketo:

To prolong the battery life, tire pressure sensors are de-
signed to sleep most of the time, but can be waken up in
response to an RF activation signal. Activation signals are
designed for diagnosis scenarios and the initial sensor ID
binding phase, when sensors are required to transmit their
IDs or other measurements. The RF activation signals op-
erate at 125 kHz in the low frequency (LF) radio frequency
band and can only wake sensors within a short range, due
to the generally poor characteristics of RF antennas at that
low frequency



On 26.10.2021 21:57, Petr Zahradník wrote:
> Já tam nic od přístroje nevidím. Možná to jen nepoznám. Ale když
> komunikuje ten ventilek, to vidím dost dobře.
> Petr Zahradník, počítačový expert
> e-mail: clexpert na clexpert.cz <mailto:clexpert na clexpert.cz>
> mobil: 602 409 601, telefony: 475 501 627, 910 256 000
> http://www.clexpert.cz, http://www.zahradniksebavi.cz
> Petr Zahradník, Computer Laboratory
> Obvodová 740/14, 400 07 Ústí nad Labem
> *From:* Hw-list <hw-list-bounces na list.hw.cz> *On Behalf Of *Dodo Racek
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 26, 2021 9:54 PM
> *To:* HW-news <hw-list na list.hw.cz>
> *Subject:* Re: OT: ventilky s měřením tlaku
> Nemusi byt paket. Mozno staci detekcia nosnej.
> Dodo

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