[OT] Medzery vo vyuke historie nasho odboru
Jan Waclawek
konfera na efton.sk
Středa Prosinec 1 13:28:14 CET 2021
Dnes som ukazoval synovi mena vyznamnych francuzskych vedcov a technikov
18. a 19.st. na Eiffelovke
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_72_names_on_the_Eiffel_Tower a
vidim okrem ineho, Becquerel. Vravim si, jasne, Henri Becquerel, objavitel
radioaktivity, dostal Nobelovu cenu spolu s manzelmi Curieovcami. Ale meno
Curie tam nevidim. Vravim si, no jasne, ved to bolo az po postaveni
Eiffelovky, takze asi ten Becquerel mal aj nejake ine, starsie prispevky k
vede. Tak som na to meno klikol.
A aha, ono to nie je Henri Becquerel, ale Antoine César Becquerel. Menovec?
Nie, stary otec...a este aky stary otec!
... he found that pressure can induce electricity in every material,
attributing the effect to surface interactions (this is not
piezoelectricity) (ktoru mimochodom objavili bratia Curieovci, uz ked sme
meno Curie spomenuli)
... he invented a differential galvanometer for the accurate measurement of
electrical resistance
... he invented a constant-current electrochemical cell
... working with his son A. E. Becquerel, he discovered the photovoltaic
... he was the first to prepare metallic elements from their ores by
... in biochemistry... meteorological questions...
No a ten jeho syn, otec Henriho Becquerela, okrem teda objavu
fotoelektrickeho javu:
... early experimenter in photography
... in 1848 produced color photographs of the solar spectrum
... discovered thermionic emission.
To mi je rodinka.
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