Trocha pocitacovej historie

Daniel Valuch balu na
Středa Září 30 12:13:27 CEST 2020

Na stredu trocha pocitacovej historie. Co sa robilo v CERNe pred 
googlami a facebookmi...

srandovne citat taketo cisla:

At CERN there are more than 2,000 PCs on site but few are being used 
forphysics computing, basically because large portions of the machines 
are 486-basedwith maybe as little as 8 Megabytes of memory. At a 
planning meeting in CN inJanuary it was proposed to evaluate the 
performance of simulation jobs on high-end Pentiums with adequate memory 
(16-32 MB) to demonstrate that they wouldprovide market-leading 
price/performance. The target was $100/CU.

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