Re: Je možné uškrtit člověka tak, aby zemřel až se zpožděním?

Tom Meinlschmidt hw na
Úterý Červen 9 09:09:11 CEST 2020

kde je info, ze hodinu zil?

The medical examiner's final findings, issued June 1,[68] classified 
Floyd's death as a homicide caused by "a cardiopulmonary arrest while 
being restrained" by officers who had subjected Floyd to "neck 
compression".[69][70] Other significant conditions were arteriosclerotic 
heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, fentanyl intoxication, and 
recent methamphetamine use.[66][69] The report states that on April 3 
Floyd had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes 
COVID-19, but does not list it as a fatal or other significant 

Floyd's family commissioned a second autopsy, carried out by Michael 
Baden, a pathologist and former New York City chief medical examiner who 
had autopsied Eric Garner,[73][74] and attended by Allecia Wilson, 
director of autopsy and forensic services at the University of Michigan 
Medical School.[75][76] He found that the "evidence is consistent with 
mechanical asphyxia as the cause" of Floyd's death", and that the death 
was a homicide.[77][78][75] He said Floyd died from "asphyxia due to 
compression of the neck", affecting "blood flow and oxygen going into 
the brain", and also from "compression of the back, which interferes 
with breathing".[66] He said Floyd had no underlying medical problem 
that caused or contributed to his death, and that being able to speak 
does not mean that someone is able to breathe.[79]

On 2020-06-08 22:44, Petr Labaj wrote:
> Určitě jsou tady i nějací lékaři.
> Ten černoch, kterému klečel na krku policajt, byl prý tím zákrokem 
> uškrcen.
> Je ale možné někoho uškrtit tak, že ho dusím, pak přestanu, on žije a
> zemře až se zpožděním?
> Myslel bych si, že když někoho udusím, tak zemře. Nebo ho jen
> přidusím, pak přežije.
> Ale jakým mechanismem je možné dušením dosáhnout stavu, kdy ten člověk
> hodinu žije a zemře až poté?
> Při dlouhodobějším nedostatku kyslíku můžou začít odumírat mozkové
> buňky. Ale to asi nebyl tento případ. Navíc ta doba, kdy už nemluvil,
> nebyla tak dlouhá.
> Díky.
> PL
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