konstrukcia multimetra
marian.hubinsky na elso.sk
marian.hubinsky na elso.sk
Čtvrtek Květen 10 11:12:22 CEST 2018
Konstrukteri multimetrov ma zasa prekvapili,
ak odpalite poistku tak napatovy rozsah zacne merat o 10% mimo. To cloveka
potesi ak zoberie merak zo skrine a zrazu mu nesedia hodnoty.
V manualy je to napisane takto:
The fuse is located at the measuring input. When the fuse is defective,
the measurements in the m// / ranges are faulty. The error in the V
range amounts to only 10%. If a fuse should blow, eliminate the cause of
overload before placing the instrument back into service!
Marián Hubinský
e-mail: marian.hubinsky at elso.sk
mobile: +421 905 652001
Elso Philips Service, spol. s r.o.; Jilemnického 2/53; 911 01 Trenčín;
Tel: +421 32 6582410, 7431690; Fax: +421 32 6582592; http://www.elso.sk
Automatický kalibrátor tlaku http://www.elso.sk/Additel/760
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