OT piatkovy letecky

Daniel Valuch balu na k-net.fr
Pátek Srpen 25 16:08:31 CEST 2017

ja tiez. Tie Fokkery su stare smradolety od Austrian Airlines. Lietal 
som s tym na Slovensko 15 rokov, az kym ich nevyradili koli zastaranosti 
a nerentabilnosti. Potom ich vyhodne kupila Slovenska republika. Sedel 
som uz skoro na kadzom sedadle a listok si vzdy zaplatil :-) Som zvedavy 
ci tam stale bude taky smrad ako ked to prevadzkoval Austrian. Vzdy som 
si musel vymenit koselu ked som dosiel domov :-)

mi pripomina...
A WW2 Spitfire pilot was speaking in a church, reminiscing about his war 

"In 1942," he says, "the situation was really tough. The Germans had a 
very strong air force. I remember one day I was protecting the bombers 
and suddenly out of the clouds, these fokkers appeared."

There are a few gasps from the parishioners and several of the children 
began to giggle.

"I looked up and realized that two of the fokkers were directly above 
me. I aimed at the first one and shot him down. By then though, the 
other fokker was right on my tail."

At this point, several of the elderly ladies of the church were blushing 
with embarrassment.

The pastor finally stands up and says, "I think I should point out that 
'Fokker' was the name of a German aircraft company that made many of the 
planes used by the Germans during the war."

"Yes that's true," says the old pilot, "but these fokkers were flying 

On 25/08/2017 15:59, Jan Waclawek wrote:
> No tak to prr. My sme sa - na rozdiel od Teba - na tie specialy skladali.
> Si to vypocitaj, sme maly narod, nebola to uplne zanedbatelna suma na
> hlavu.
> Aj preto ma to znepokojuje :-)
> wek
> ----- Original Message ---------------
>> mozno sa ucia pristavat a budu kruzit az kym nedojde palivo. Skoda ze na
>> palube nie su ziadni ustavni cinitelia :-)
>> On 25/08/2017 11:56, konfera na efton.sk wrote:
>>> Aha a teraz znova... Ale nestihol som ich odfotit... Zeby len tak kruzili

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