Re: [OT] Trvale žhnoucí světlo v ledničce

Petr Simek psimek na
Úterý Duben 11 07:09:46 CEST 2017

On Mon, 10 Apr 2017, Aleš Procháska wrote:

> Tak jsem zašátral v paměti a napůl jsem si vzpomněl. Byla to lednička 
> Liebherr a funkce se jmenovala Cool+ :-) K čemu to tam bylo ale už 
> netuším a na cool+ google neslyší...

From the Liebherr FAQ site

Interior Light
The interior light of the refrigerator is lit (with half strength)
even when the door is closed.
Some pre LED models use the interior light bulb in low ambient 
temperatures where the freezing capacity can be insufficient in the 
freezer compartment. The interior light is controlled through the 
electronic control system or by activating the CoolPlus switch which runs 
the light at half strength. This ensures operation of the freezer 
compartment at the correct temperature.

The CoolPlus switch is to be used when the ambient temperature of the room 
is below 18 degrees Centigrade, but is not needed in warmer rooms and 
should not be turned on.  The dim light is telling you that CoolPlus is 
activated... whether it needs to be depends on how warm the room is.

Vypada to ze v prostredi s nizkou teplotou muze dojit k tomu ze lednicka
kde je termostat neztraci tolik chladu takze malo spina kompresor.
Mrazak ale ztraci porad dost takze muze dojit ke zvysovani teploty
v marazaku nad povolenou mez - zjevne mrazak nema vlastni termostat.
Workaround je prihrivat zarovkou termostat v lednici aby kompresor
casteji spinal. Jak mazane..

> Aleš Procháska

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                             psimek na                              |

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