marian.hubinsky na elso.sk
marian.hubinsky na elso.sk
Pondělí Duben 10 08:47:57 CEST 2017
a samozrejme sa nasla aj proti-studia:
UPDATE [March 27, 2017]: ESMIG, which describes itself as |the European
voice of the providers of smart energy solutions" has published research
that disputes the findings of the Dutch researchers. Here are their main
conclusions :
The electromagnetic interference phenomena created in the tests of the
University of Twente grossly exceed emissions limits allowable under EU
regulation for equipment typically used in households.
These conditions would not be found in any imaginable normal household
There is no reason to question smart metering technology.
Marián Hubinský
e-mail: marian.hubinsky at elso.sk
mobile: +421 905 652001
Elso Philips Service, spol. s r.o.; Jilemnického 2/53; 911 01 Trenčín;
Tel: +421 32 6582410, 7431690; Fax: +421 32 6582592; http://www.elso.sk
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