Michal Gregor
a2x1nptda8 na email.cz
Pátek Duben 7 21:26:29 CEST 2017
Tak proc se vlastne nepouzivaji klasicke elektromery?
Dne 6.4.2017 v 23:04 David Obdrzalek napsal(a):
> Zajimave cteni o testovani elektromeru:
> Static Energy Meter Errors Caused by Conducted Electromagnetic Interference
> http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7866234 (Abstrakt viz nize)
> Holandani zjistili, ze moderni elektromer muze hodne prehanet, z testovanych jeden
> dal dokonce +582%, to bych teda nechtel platit ucet podle nej...
> Verejne pristupny je bohuzel jen abstrakt, takze pro ty, kdo nemaji pristup k celemu
> clanku: vevnitr pisou, ze pokud je prubeh napeti pekna sinusovka, je to OK, ale kdyz
> je zubata, muze kvuli zpusobu mereni proudu elektromer namerit mnohem vic, nez je
> skutecnost. Pritom zubatou sinusovku presne okopirovali z realne moderni budovy.
> Merili, co zaznamenaji elektromery zatizene 30xCFL + 20xLED lampama.
> To o zubate sinusovce je z dizertace volne pristupne na http://doc.utwente.nl/88378/
> zacatek na str. 55.
> Report o vyzkumu zde:
> https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/hardware/millions-of-smart-meters-may-over-infl
> ate-readings-by-up-to-600-percent/
> Lab tests carried out by Dutch scientists have shown that some of today's "smart"
> electrical meters may give out false readings that in some cases can be 582% higher
> than actual energy consumption.
> Kmentar je i na Hackaday:
> How to Trick Your Electrical Meter By Saving Power:
> http://hackaday.com/2017/04/04/how-to-trick-your-electrical-meter-by-saving-power/
> Takze zlatej Krizik nebo ten Sodeco Geneve, co tu nedavno sel :-)
> D.O.
> Abstrakt clanku:
> Static, or electronic, energy meters are replacing the conventional
> electromechanical meters. Consumers are sometimes complaining about higher energy
> readings and billing after the change to a static meter, but there is not a clear
> common or root cause at present. Electromagnetic interference has been observed
> between active infeed converters as used in photo-voltaic systems and static meters.
> Reducing the interference levels eliminated inaccurate reading in static meters.
> Several field investigations failed to identify a clear root cause of inaccurate
> readings of static energy meters. Experiments were performed in a controlled lab
> environment. Three-phase meters showed large deviations, even when supplied with an
> ideal sinusoidal voltage from a fourquadrant power amplifier. Large variations could
> be observed when non-linear, fast switching, loads were connected. A deviation of
> +276 % was measured with one static energy meter, +265% with a second and -46% with
> a third static energy meter. After dismantling it was revealed that the meters with
> the positive deviation used a Rogowski coil current sensor. The meter with a Hall
> effect-based current sensor gave the -46% deviation. The fourth meter, with a
> current transformer, resulted in -10% in one experiment and +8% in another
> experiment, where the deviations are with respect to a conventional
> electromechanical meter. Measurements were repeated with more meters and supplied
> from standard, low internal impedance, mains supply in the laboratory. Deviations of
> +475%, +566%, +569%, +581%, +582% and -31% and -32% were registered, with again the
> positive deviation for Rogowski coil current sensors and negative deviations for the
> Hall sensors.
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