Micron MT58LC64K36 datasheet
Jan Waclawek
konfera na efton.sk
Sobota Říjen 29 17:07:59 CEST 2016
2. You have three different part types for SRAMs: B3, C5 and D8. How do I
choose the right version for my application?
Each one of these are functionally different. For an in-depth
discussion of this subject, check out Technical Note TN-58-06 (pdf),
"Choosing the Right SyncBurst SRAM." This note describes the reasons why
three different part types are available and the pros and cons of choosing
one over another.
In brief, the two main differences among the three parts are the
flow-through and pipelined versions. Flow-through devices have an input
register only (B3), and pipelined have an input and output register (C5
and D8). Flow-through devices are the easiest to use when replacing an
asynchronous part or at frequencies below 83 MHz. Pipelined parts are
usually used for faster frequencies (>83 MHz).
Je tam aj link na TN-58-06, v ktorom je to trocha podrobnejsie rozpisane.
Aj DS z toho Vasho linku (aj z inych podobnych) vyplyva, ze LG je suffix
oznacujuci TQFP-100 puzdro.
----- Original Message ---------------
>Nakonec to nasel bing zde:
>nicmene je tam popsana jenom varianta "D8"
>2016-10-29 11:20 GMT+02:00 Michal Vanka <junk.mv at gmail.com>:
>> Zdar, marnì hledám datasheet k této obstaroní pamìti.
>> Je to 64k x 36 SRAM, co se používala jako cache k Pentiím
>> a nìco podobného pouil Kosa do svého minila.
>> Tato pamì se na trhu vyskytuje v nìkolika variantách
>> (MT58LC64K36D8LG, MT58LC64K36C4LG, .. B2LG)
>> a já bych se rád dozvìdìl, v èem se to lií
>> (potøebuju D8LG).
>> Micron search vrací 0 results, google vrací šum...
>> Michal
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