Re: výroba digitronů

Jan Waclawek konfera na
Pátek Říjen 7 14:23:08 CEST 2016

Aha. Dakujem. Clovek sa uci cely zivot.


----- Original Message ---------------
>skor chemicky... netvrdim, ze tomu rozumiem, ale asi to tak bude :-)
>The reactions of the chemically active gases with the getter metal are 
>fairly straightforward. They all form a low vapor pressure ceramic 
>compound where the active gas is permanently removed from the vacuum 
>chamber. The inert gases are not pumped at all due to the obvious reason 
>that they are inert and will not react with the getter metal. Hydrogen 
>(H2), though, is the odd gas out in that it does not react to form a 
>chemical compound but merely dissolves in the getter metal to form a 
>solid solution. Chemical getters can be broken down into two separate 
>categories; evaporable and non-evaporable.
>Mimochodom najvacsi objekt pokryty getrom je vnutro LHC :-)
>On 07/10/2016 14:02, Jan Waclawek wrote:
>>> getre obycajne neabsorbuju inertne plyny
>> Hm hm.
>> Mal som pocit, ze sa jedna o fyzikalny dej.
>> wek

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