RaspberryPi kompilace programu na Windows
soteza na soteza.cz
Pátek Listopad 18 10:24:29 CET 2016
Tak přes tahle hlášení jsem se úspěšně dostal, nicméně je to ještě
horší. Jsem totálně mimo... Místo tří chyb je jich hafo a to ve znění:
Compile Project, OS: linux, CPU: arm, Target: dk: Exit code 1, Errors:
1, Hints: 24
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\dk.o has EABI version 0, but
target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\dk.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\system.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\lineinfo.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\exeinfo.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\strings.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\fpintres.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\objpas.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\cthreads.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\classes.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synaser.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synaser.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\baseunix.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\unix.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-base\inifiles.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl-extra\sockets.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\blcksock.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\blcksock.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\sysutils.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-db\sdfdata.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl-objpas\dateutils.o
has EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-db\db.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\BitFce.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\BitFce.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\smtpsend.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\smtpsend.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\mimepart.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\mimepart.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\mimemess.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\mimemess.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\unixtype.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\initc.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\dl.o has EABI version
0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\unixutil.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\ctypes.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\types.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\typinfo.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\rtlconsts.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\linux.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\errors.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\sysconst.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\termio.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synafpc.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synafpc.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synautil.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synautil.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\dynlibs.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-base\contnrs.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synsock.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synsock.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synacode.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synacode.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synaip.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synaip.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-base\syncobjs.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-net\netdb.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-db\dbconst.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl-objpas\variants.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl-objpas\fmtbcd.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\fcl-base\maskutils.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl\math.o has EABI
version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\units\arm-linux\rtl-objpas\varutils.o has
EABI version 0, but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synachar.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synachar.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\mimeinln.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\mimeinln.o
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: error: Source
object C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synaicnv.o has EABI version 0,
but target dk has EABI version 5
c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: failed to merge
target specific data of file C:\Zdroje Lazarus\dk\lib\arm-linux\synaicnv.o
dk.lpr(1300,0) Error: Error while linking
Dne 18.11.2016 v 9:00 soteza napsal(a):
> Zdravím přítomné.
> Mam jednoduchou aplikaci která využívá vlákna a kompiluji ji přímo
> úspěšně na RPi v Lazarus-u. Chtěl jsem si ulehčit práci a kompilovat
> přímo na PC s Win10(nebo i na Vista) ale kompilace končí na obou Win
> se stejným výsledkem.
> c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: cannot find
> -lpthread
> c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: cannot find -ldl
> c:\codetyphon\fpc\fpc32\bin\i386-win32\arm-linux-ld.exe: cannot find -lc
> Uvedené soubory nevidím ani v PC, ani na RPi, že bych se je pokusil
> zkopírovat. Prolezl jsem google a vidím, nejsem sám. Nicméně každý
> radí něco jiného a s mojí angličtinou bych si nerad rozdrbal PC.
> Nemáte prosím někdo konkrétní nápad jak z toho ven? Na RPi je
> kompilace OK.
> Dík, Zaplík
/S pozdravem,/
Zapletal Martin
*Kamerové, zabezpečovací, docházkové a přístupové systémy, vývoj
software a hardware, tarifikace a nahrávání telefonních hovorů,
telekomunikační a výpočetní technika.*
/Korespondenční adresa/: *Jana Zrzavého 8, Prostějov, 796 04*
/Fakturační adresa/: *Kachlíkova 1, Brno, 635 00*
http: www.soteza.cz <http://www.soteza.cz> , e-mail: soteza na soteza.cz
Mobil: +420 604 605 484
VoIP: +420 581 110 822
Fakturační údaje zde <http://www.soteza.cz/kontakt.html>.
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