[OT Piatok] Hi-Fi poistky do zosilovaca
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Pátek Květen 6 09:25:16 CEST 2016
tam su skvosty...
demagnetizator CDciek
We are frequently asked how it's possible for an aluminum disc to
magnetize. The important thing to remember is that just because a disc
is nominally made from polycarbonate and aluminum, this does not mean
these are the only ingredients. Inks used on the disc label and even the
aluminum substrate itself may contain materials that can pick up and
store a magnetic charge. This can happen as the disc is moved in and out
of the case or even in the CD transport itself as the disc is spun at
high speeds. The benefits of demagnetization can be heard on all discs
from brand new CD's to CD-Rs, even DVDs, Blu-Ray and other formats will
zahorovac sietovych kablov
demagneticacny talizman
we’re not prepared to say whether or not the new Walker Talisman
Demagnetizer will protect you or bring you good luck. What we are
prepared to tell you is this small magnetic bar absolutely will
dissipate magnetic fields and static electricity from CDs, SACDs, DVDs
and even vinyl.
podlozky na kable
odstranovac rusenia v sieti
"The walking bass line had a more woody sound, and the drum parts
possessed a lightness and quickness that were apparent because of all
the extra little details. Each woodwind note rose and fell in a manner
that made it sound more lifelike. The benefits of the Enacoms were
really apparent...
On 06/05/2016 07:58, iko wrote:
> Ak by niekto chcel lepsi zvuk, tak odporucam
> http://www.musicdirect.com/p-996-hifi-tuning-fuses-silverstar-small-fast.aspx
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