[OT Piatok] Hi-Fi poistky do zosilovaca
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Pátek Květen 6 09:09:09 CEST 2016
ked mi toto povie student na skuske tak ho rovno vyhodim. 6A poistka
vypne presne pri 6A. Neuveritelne...
HiFi Tuning Fuses are Zero Tolerance, a 6Amp HiFi Tuning Fuse will pop
at any amperage above 6Amp. Therefore, some HiFi Tuning Fuses will pop
instantantaneously upon insertion. To avoid this unnecessary expense,
we suggest selecting a fuse just slightly higher than the rated value.
If your component requires a 6Amp fuse, a 6.3Amp fuse can be used
without worry and the protection of the fuse will be identical.
However, if a 1Amp fuse is specified, don't select a 4Amp fuse as this
will eliminate any protection having a fuse offers.
On 06/05/2016 07:58, iko wrote:
> Ak by niekto chcel lepsi zvuk, tak odporucam
> http://www.musicdirect.com/p-996-hifi-tuning-fuses-silverstar-small-fast.aspx
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