RC clen v buck menici
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Pátek Červenec 22 09:33:06 CEST 2016
jojo ten pojem jsem znal respektive znam - hlavne pri pouziti s triakem
nasel jsem tenhle dokument od TI
The procedure for choosing the capacitor and resistor components starts
with measuring the ringing frequency of the original circuit. Once the
frequency is determined, a capacitor is put in parallel with the low-side
FET to change the ringing frequency to half the original value. When the
frequency is half the original value, the parallel capacitor is equal to
three times the parasitic capacitance of the original circuit. With the
capacitance and frequency known, the parasitic inductance can be calculated
by using the formula f ½ LC = π , where f is the original ringing frequency
and C is the parasitic capacitance. The resistor to critically damp the
circuit is calculated from the equation R L/C = . This resistor may or may
not provide the necessary ringing reduction. Increasing the resistance
results in an underdamped system, which allows more ringing but decreases
power dissipation. Increasing the capacitance reduces the ringing but
increases power dissipation. For the example, using a 2200-pF capacitor and
a 1-W resistor reduced ringing to 19.1 V.
Ale moc z toho moudrej nejsem...jakym zpusobem mam zmerit ty zakmity.
Respektive jak by mely vypadat nebo kde je uvidim a jak urcim jejich
Dne 22. července 2016 9:14 Jan Waclawek <konfera na efton.sk> napsal(a):
> Prakticke skusenosti nemam bo sa vykonovej elektronike vyhybam, ale klucove
> slovo (trebars do guglu) je "snubber" a dovodom je potlacenie prekmitov
> sposobenych parazitickymi RLC obvodmi.
> JW
> ----- Original Message ---------------
> >Zdravim,
> >
> >je mi nekdo schopen vysvetlit proc se tento clen zapojuje na stred mustku
> >(respektive paralelbne s dolnim tranzistorem nebo diodou)?
> >
> >Jakou tam mam funkci a jak spravne spocitat jeho hodnoty?
> >
> >RV
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