ze sa na to uz nevyserem...

Šerých Jakub Serych na panska.cz
Úterý Říjen 6 21:09:56 CEST 2015

I ja se musim "vyhovorit" :-((( Nase skola od dob, kdy byl zrusen obor radiotechnika (pro nezajem uchazecu pred cca 25 lety), je RF vecmi temer naprosto netknuta. 
Ale ke shaneni studentu na prace. Posledni roky s tim mam neuveritelny problem. Nevim cim to je. Snazim se nabizet prace navrzene tak, aby se daly zvladnout jednoduse, ale na druhou stranu, pokud by resitel chtel, aby mel prostor z toho udelat uzasne dilo. Myslim ze temata jsou pritazliva (alespon ja, kdyby me za studii nekdo takovou praci nabidl jako rocnikovku nebo diplomku, bych po tom sel jak slepice po flusu). 

Ale studenti, ackoliv je lovim uz od pulky tretaku,  na to vubec neslysi. Tech par nejschopnejsich ma uz davno predstavu o svych pracech, ktere byvaji moc pekne, ale clovek citi, ze ti studenti maji potencial na stokrat zajimavejsi a narocnejsi praci. Prumerni studenti si vybiraji prace podle NEnarocnosti tematu a vedouciho, a tak se casto stane, ze nejake zajimave tema, ktere by bylo potreba vyresit (a prumerny student s rozumnou mirou pile a nasazeni by ho urcite hezky zvladl), si vezme totalni lempl, ktery se o temata tak dlouho nezajimal, az mu ti prumerni vyfoukli jednoduche prace od nenarocnych vyucujicich. No a tim je pekne tema definitivne odepsano. :-(((  

Takze rozumim tomu, ze slibit nalezeni slusneho studenta na reseni pekneho tematu, je dneska temer nemozne. :-(((

Jakub Serych

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hw-list [mailto:hw-list-bounces na list.hw.cz] On Behalf Of balu@
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 6:36 PM
> To: HW-news
> Subject: ze sa na to uz nevyserem...
> musim sa podelit... Na listovici som spominal, ze si nechavam mensie projekty,
> ktore by boli vhodne na bakalarku/diplomovu pracu a snazim sa ich v ramci
> rozbehnutia spoluprace posunut univerzite.
> Uz sa vyhovorili asi 6x. Nemame studentov, mame studentov, nemame cas,
> opytaj sa o tri roky. Vypiseme ako temu. Takze uz to dalej nebudem skusat.
> Pre ilustraciu, toto je uplne jednoduchy, verim, ze by to zvladol niekto aj ako
> prakticku maturitu. Jakub? :-)
> RF power monitor for the HIE-Isolde post accelerator
> The HIE-ISOLDE project is a major upgrade of the ISOLDE and REX-ISOLDE
> facilities at CERN. The most significant improvement will come from
> replacing most of the existing REX accelerating structure by a
> superconducting linear accelerator. The design of this new compact SC
> linac is based on independently phased superconducting quarter-wave
> resonators (QWRs). Each of the 32 resonators is powered by a 700 W,
> 101.28 MHz, RF power amplifier.
> Values of the forward, reflected, antenna and reference power are
> available from the low-level RF system with great precision. However an
> independent redundant RF measurement and monitoring system is necessary
> for safe and robust RF system operation.
> Role of the RF power monitor would be to measure RF power of up to 24
> channels, process the data (noise reduction, long integration time RMS
> value, individual sensor calibration, interlock) and publish them to the
> central CERN control system via a standard industrial bus.
> Scope of the project (thesis) will be:
> - Determine what type of RF detector is the most appropriate for the
> application and design the RF front end
> - Define the measurement system architecture
> - Design the control interface, using some of the standard industrial
> controllers and protocols (e.g. Rabbit with modbus over ethernet
> interface)
> - Implement the signal processing, calibration and communication
> functionality
> - Design, produce and test a prototype
> - Design a fully automated test and calibration procedure
> - Prepare a full production documentation in English language
> - Install and test the system in the HIE-Isolde accelerator at CERN
> Preferred communication language (including the final thesis) is
> English. Work on the project may involve one or multiple travels to
> Geneva, Switzerland.
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