pouziva niekto toto?

balu@home balu na k-net.fr
Úterý Květen 5 20:07:16 CEST 2015

tak dnes to doslo... Mal si pravu :-)

dokumentacia ziadna, na vyziadanie som dostal schemu, kde chyba polovica 
suciastok. Je k tomu tento navod:

3.	16 * 32 lattice all bulk production is divided into seven steps
1, the welding line needle
A, this suite with 2 8 p row needles
B, the row of the short tube feet of the needle from the circuit board 
has a label side inserted, from unlabeled surface tin welding, welding 
IN places with IN and OUT.Used as the input and output.
2, the screw on (can not)
This suite doesn't suit the default screws (can not) commonly, if need 
to please their matching, screw unlabeled surface insert from circuit 
boards, from circuit board labeled face lock screw, nut screw lock in 
the four round hole in the middle of the circuit board.
3, 8 * 8 double color dot matrix module
A, this suite supporting eight double color dot matrix module.
B, from circuit board unlabeled insert, pay attention to the pin, and 
unified direction, see assembly good rendering.
4, welding 74 hc595 are needed
8 A, this suite of form A complete set,
B, welding microcontroller notch in notch of circuit board.
5, soldering SMD triode
16 A, form A complete set of this suite
B, when welding the MCU has a concave points on the circuit board has a 
concave points
6, 74 hc138 welding
A, this suite 2
B, when welding the MCU has a concave points on the circuit board has a 
concave points.
7, welding 104 capacitance
A, this suite of eight
B, when welding is negative.

Ako posuvne registre sa pouzivaju 74HC595, su pripojene rovno ku 
displejom bez seriovych odporov. Treba robit multiplex 1:8, takze odpory 
asi netreba :-))

skusim to rozsvietit ci ma zmysel sa tym vobec zaoberat. Co by clovek 
chcel za 11 dolarov...

On 19/04/2015 13:45, Jaromir Sukuba wrote:
> Hned mi prislo na rozum popularne slovo zacinajuce na A a heslo "mne
> to takto funguje".
> Ja viem ze je to lacne a je tam kopa LEDiek, ale je to hrozne zapojene
> - nie som si isty, ci by som to dal do ruk studentom. Tie
> shiftregistre maju urcite prekroceny maximalny prud na puzdro, LEDky
> nemaju nijaku kontrolu pretekajuceho prudu... MUX je robeny externe,
> takze ked sa tento na chvilu zastavi (chyba v SW, reset MCU), zostane
> v poslednej pozicii a do LEDiek to hulaka asi slusny prud a ktovie ako
> dlho to vydrzi... Okrem toho, ze je to didakticky nevhodne (mozno
> jedine ako priklad ako sa to nema robit), moze tu odpaleny pixel a tam
> odpaleny shiftergister narobit viac problemov nez uzitku.
> 2015-04-19 10:22 GMT+02:00 balu na home <balu na k-net.fr>:
>> Zdravim,
>> nasiel som na ebay takyto modul
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/16x32-Red-Green-Dual-Color-LED-Dot-Matrix-DIY-Kit-Control-Display-Module-/331456943362?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2c5f9502
>> vyzera to zaujimavo z hladiska ceny a aplikacneho potencialu pre studentov.
>> Kupil to niekto? Je to pouzitelne? Da sa pripadne za podobnu cenu niekde
>> zohnat RGB matica s porovnatelnym mnozstvom pixelov?
>> b.

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