Elektroluminiscencni display - odhad zivotnosti
zaloha na volny.cz
Středa Březen 11 19:41:45 CET 2015
Ano, prave tohle cislo jsem myslel a neni podstatne ;-)
>>Jedna se mi skutecne o odhad realne zivotnosti, u Futaby nehledejte - uz
>>jsem to udelal a to jejich cislo neni podstatne ;-)
> Myslite
> How long is the life time of VFD?
> The life time of VFD for commercial/consumer use is 30,000 hours. This
> life time is defined as the time when the initial brightness is reduced to
> half its brightness. However, after that time, the VFD will still be
> useable for displaying graphics, characters, and other patterns required
> to meet the end user requirements.
> ?
> wek
Další informace o konferenci Hw-list